Isaiah 40:27-31
He gives power to the weak,
and to those who have no
might He increases strength.
-Isaiah 40:29
My wife was working at home on her computer recently when she suddenly noticed her laptop battery power was low and the computer was about to shut down. The computer was plugged in, though, so it shouldn't have been using the battery. Following the laptop cord to the extension cord, she finally noticed that the extension cord was actually plugged back into itself instead of the wall outlet! She looked at me, amused, and said, "There's a devotional in there somewhere."
As she said it, I was reminded of a passage of Scripture on the power of God: Isaiah 40:27-31. Isaiah identifies the true and unending Source of strength from which we must draw ours-"the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth" (v.28). Then he speaks to those whose strength is ebbing, encouraging them to wait on the Lord to find their strength renewed (vv. 29-31).
Jesus spoke of us as branches abiding in Him as the Vine (John 15:4-5). It's a parallel to Isaiah's powerful closing, which promises that if we're plugged into God we will "run and not be weary,...walk and not faint" (Isaiah 30:31).
When we find ourselves weary and distressed, we need to plug into the true Source of strength and life. -Randy Kilgore
We are more than conquerors
Through Him who loved us so;
The Christ who dwells within us
Is the greatest power we know. -Carmichael
The Creator of the universe knows no power failure.
Today's reading deserves memorization and meditation. It begins with rhetorical questioning of our knowledge of the greatness of God (v.28). He is, by His very nature, everlasting and sovereign. He is the Creator of everything that exists. Our God does not fatigue and His thoughts are far beyond our limited understanding. Because of who He is, the sincere believer can access His great power for life's journey (v.29). In ancient times as well as our own, strength is often portrayed by images of youthful and fit adults. Yet in comparison to the living God, even youths grow weary and fall (v.30). But, in a spiritual sense, those who trust in God can soar like eagles and run without fainting. (v.31).
Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace
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