Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Today's promise: We are created in His image

Do you have a joy that rubs off on other people?

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. I cried out to the Lord in my suffering, and he heard me. He set me free from all my fears. For the angel of the Lord guards all who fear him, and he rescues them.
Psalm 34:4-7 NLT

Contagious joy

Do you enjoy watching the televised Olympic games? If you do, you know the joy the winners of an Olympic event experience is contagious. That's one reason millions of people watch the Olympics so religiously. It's not simply to see the drama of the event and the excellence and for m of the athletes. It's also to share in the contagious joy of the winners.
In Psalm 34 David describes the same type of joy radiating from believers. All those who look to God for help will experience a joy so intense that other people can see it in their faces. David says the reason for that joy is that God has heard and answered our prayers. Our shame has been taken away. We have been set free from all our fears because the angel of the Lord encamps around us. He guards his people. Pray today that the angel of the Lord will set up camp around you and your relationships. Commit your fears and worries to God, and ask him to guard you. He can set you free from your fears and grant you radiant joy as you look to him for help.

Adapted from Praying God's Promises for My Marriage by John Farrar (Tyndale House), pp 92-93
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: No temptation is too great

How can you help others avoid temptation?
Remember that the temptations that come into your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word and following its rules.
Psalm 119:9 NLT

Power over temptation

Because of some long-term unwise spending habits, the Walkers are now facing serious financial troubles. Their economic woes have been the source of constant tension and stress at home. They have no idea how they got into this mess, much less how to get out. The thought of admitting their situation fills them with embarrassment. Interestingly, in the midst of this major money crunch:
Denise has gained some thirty pounds, is thinking about reneging on a financial commitment to her church's building campaign, and has also begun playing the lottery (something she used to call a stupid waste of money).
Donald has been escaping regularly into the world of internet pornography while he considers partnering with an old college buddy in a "can't lose" (i.e., highly questionable) business deal.
The Walker's situation reminds us that when we feel weakened and worried by the pressures and problems of life, certain temptations can seem irresistible. How would you counsel the Walkers using the above promise of God?
adapted from Praying God's Promises in Tough Times by Len Woods,, Tyndale House Publishers (2002), pp 176-7

Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: No temptation is too great

Do biblical examples, like Daniel, help you avoid temptation?
But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief official for permission to eat other things instead. Now God had given the chief official great respect for Daniel. But he was alarmed by Daniel's suggestion.… "If you become pale and thin… I am afraid the king will have me beheaded for neglecting my duties.… "Test us for ten days on a diet of vegetables and water," Daniel said.… So the attendant agreed to Daniel's suggestion… At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better nourished than the young men who had been eating the food assigned by the king.… God gave these four young men an unusual aptitude for learning the literature and science of the time. And God gave Daniel special ability in understanding the meanings of visions and dreams.
Daniel 1:8-17 NLT

Daniel's example

Daniel, his friends, and many other young Hebrews had been carried off into captivity far from their culture, their temple, and their faith traditions. Suddenly exposed to the decadence of the king's table, most of them abandoned their commitment to purity and consumed the forbidden fare. But Daniel and his friends had already made a commitment to remain pure, and they had each other for accountability. We are more successful at resisting temptation when we have prepared for it. Determine ahead of time how you will respond in certain situations. And bolster your own resolve by sharing your commitment with another person.
adapted from TouchPoint Bible with devotional commentary by Ron Beers and Gilbert Beers, Tyndale House Publishers (1996), p 733

It is easier to stay out than get out.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: No temptation is too great

Does it help you avoid temptation when you know it lies ahead?
A prudent person foresees the danger ahead and takes precautions; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Proverbs 22:3 NLT

Anticipating danger

Interestingly, this proverb expects that dangerous situations will arise in our lives. If these situations are indeed inevitable, then we should plan a course of action. For some people taking action means devising endless preventative measures. Still others feel that taking precautions implies that they are not living in faith. Neither of these solutions displays a balanced trust in God.
We must examine where our confidence lies. Are we really trusting in God? Trusting does not mean that we should purposely step into pitfalls. If we see ourselves heading for danger, we can take precautions to avoid the situation. We lack faith when we feel that we alone possess the strength to conquer any temptation. Humbly anticipating our weaknesses will allow us to bypass harsh consequences.
WISE WAYS  Is there a specific temptation you face continually during the week? Take steps to avoid situations that foster that behavior before you come to them.
Lord, help me to live wisely by knowing my weaknesses and anticipating dangerous situations .
adapted from The One Year® Book of Proverbs by Neil S. Wilson, Tyndale House Publishers (2002), entry for March 22

Without temptation no sin would be committed; and without temptation no holiness could be attained. The human wrecks that seem beyond all capacity of repair and refitting, and victorious athletes of righteousness whom their fellowmen adore, are alike the products of temptation.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: No temptation is too great

Do you deeply mourn your sin, or choose cheap grace—and sin again?
Immediately the Holy Spirit compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness. He was there for forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was out among the wild animals, and angels took care of him.
Mark 1:12-13 NLT

Mourning our sins

Lord, who throughout these forty days
For us didst fast and pray,
Teach us with Thee to mourn our sins,
And close by Thee to stay.

As Thou with Satan didst contend
And didst the victory win,
O give us strength in Thee to fight
In Thee to conquer sin.
Lenten Hymn (v1,2), CLAUDIA FRANCES HERNAMAN (1838-98)
We don't know a lot about the forty days Jesus spent in the desert before His temptation. We know it was a time of fasting and probably of prayer. When the devil came to Him, the conquering words of Scripture were quick on Jesus' tongue, so it may have been a time of meditation, a time of special communion with his Father.
This song draws the comparison between Jesus' forty days in the desert and the forty days of Lent. Traditionally, the Lenten season is a time of fasting. People "give up" something for Lent. The idea is not to punish ourselves, but to put aside something that may distract us from our communion with God. It is a time for special devotion to God, a time when He may "abide with us" in a special way. Lent is a time to refocus on our relationship with Christ.
adapted from The One Year® Book of Hymns by Mark Norton and Robert Brown, Tyndale House Publishers (1995), entry for February 16

When you flee temptation, leave no forwarding address.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: We are created in His image

How much do you see God in his creation?
Have I looked at the sun shining in the skies, or the moon walking down its silver pathway, and been secretly enticed to worship them? If so, I should be punished by the judges, for it would mean I had denied the God of heaven.
Job 31:26-28 NLT
We understand the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen.
Hebrews 11:3

Sunsets and chromosomes

A student stood on the crest of a hill silently admiring the sunset. As the colors came to a brilliant crescendo, he suddenly shouted, "Way to go, God. Fantastic!" Then he raised his hand in praise to the Creator.
Dr. Carl Sagan marveled that a single human chromosome contains 20 billion bits of information. This corresponds to four thousand 500-page books — and that's only one chromosome! Yet Dr. Sagan never professed any belief in God.
When it comes to praising God for his incredible work in creation, some of us are more like Dr. Sagan than the student. We are quick to condemn those who deny that God created the universe, yet we, too, often forget to praise him for all that he has made.
We praise God for salvation but forget to praise him for creation. Whether we look at the grandeur of the heavens or the intricacies of a chromosome, we should stand in awe of our Creator. Praise him today for his masterful work.
The unwearied sun, from day to day
Does His Creator's power display,
And publishes to every land
The work of an Almighty hand.

adapted from The One Year® Book of Psalms by William J. Petersen and Randy Petersen, Tyndale House Publishers (1999), entry for February 5
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: We are created in His image

What does it mean to be created in God's image?
My heart overflows with a beautiful thought! I will recite a lovely poem to the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.
Psalm 45:1 NLT

About this week's promise

Why does an artist paint, a musician play, or an author write? Because they are overflowing with ideas and must express them. Creativity is the overflow of a full heart and mind. But sometimes we're empty — or full of the wrong material. How can we be full of the beauty that will spill out in wonderful visions, sounds, words and movements? Take time to know God — the author of all creativity. Take time to soak up all that is beautiful. Take time to think. As your inner wells fill up, you can be sure that the creativity will soon be flowing out of your life in productive ways.
adapted from TouchPoint Bible with devotional commentary by Ron Beers and Gilbert Beers, Tyndale House Publishers (1996), p 492
Digging Deeper
For more on this week's promise, see Delight in Your Child's Design by Laurie Winslow Sargent, Tyndale House Publishers (2005)

Laurie Winslow Sargent will help you identify and appreciate your child’s unique, God-given temperament and abilities. Her tips on relating to your child — no matter how much alike or different from you he or she is — will increase your confidence. And Laurie offers many practical suggestions that will inspire you to show affection and appreciation in ways most meaningful to you and your child.

No philosophical theory which I have yet come across is a radical improvement on the words of Genesis, that "in the beginning God made Heaven and Earth."
C S LEWIS (Miracles)
Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House


Today's promise: God pursues us with his love

How Do You Love As God Commanded?
Jesus replied, "The most important commandment is this: 'Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.' The second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these.
Mark 12:29-31 NLT

Whole Love

God commanded us to love. It would have been easier if God had just said, "Run a mile a day," or given us some other physical task. Then we wouldn't have to think about it. We would create a routine of basic action. But God speaks of love as an action that requires our whole selves.
Why must we love God? In the divine plan for those creatures called human, loving God is as essential as breathing is to our physical life. We must breathe. We can make ourselves unable to breathe, or we can refuse to breathe — but now without consequences. We must love God because the alternative, though possible, is unthinkable and unbearable. How tragic that many choose to give "lip service" rather than "lung service" to this basic law of spiritual life. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what specific opportunities you will have today to demonstrate your love for God.
WISE WAYS  Think of some specific ways you could demonstrate your love for God in your neighborhood.
Today, Lord, teach me to love you with my whole being and share this love with others.
adapted from The One Year® Book of Proverbs by Neil S. Wilson, Tyndale House Publishers (2002), entry for March 4

Love is a fabric that never fades, no matter how often it is washed in the waters of adversity and grief.

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



I asked myself the same question as the topic we are studying this term on Thursdays:  What is

the psychological and theological analysis of Islamic extremist?  I will attempt to give reasons

why Islamic extremists act the way they do.  I don’t believe it is pure evil in them.  I believe the

religion of Islam taught (brainwashed) them daily and at a young age the cause of their actions. 

As they get older they think they are doing right by Allah.

David Epstein in his book A TIME FOR HOPE hits the nail directly on the head in my opinion.  A

child is raised up in the Islamic faith of fear and death if they blaspheme Mohammad or Allah. 

As their bodies are about to mature and they start having sexual feelings and desires the sixth

pillar of Islam is presented to them (jihad).  They are informed that the only guarantee to enter

into paradise is by blowing themselves up and they have to take people with them, (the


A martyr in the Christian faith dies for his faith which he ends up being tortured then executed.

A martyr in the Islamic faith (Muslim) is a person who dies for his faith but he can’t die alone,

he has to kill himself and the infidels meaning anyone who is not Muslim.  [David Ibrahim – MIRAGE:  The Love Language of Islam]

Martyrdom is the only sure way of attaining Paradise.  When you lay down your life for Allah

that is the highest honor one can receive in the Islamic religion.

The Christian paradise (heaven) doesn’t dwell on the physical aspect in regards to the human

body.  In Luke 20:2-35 you will see that there will be no physical marriage in heaven, like here

on earth.  Revelation 7:16 shows us the absence of physical needs , no hungering, thirsting,

sadness, death, mourning, crying, pain, etc.  Our purpose for being in heaven is to worship and

praise God.  Our only focus will be on Him, Revelation chapters: 4, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 21 and 22).

The Islamic paradise is exactly the opposite.  The focus is on the physical needs.  The pleasure of

the flesh is fulfilled.  Muhammad bribed his followers with promises of young virgins,

pederasty (young boys), water, wine, fruits and worldly possessions.  In the desert it was hard

to get these things but in the afterlife they would receive these things only through jihad.

Jihad only seems to refer to the men.  What about the women, what do they receive for jihad?

The Muslim men will be the ones to deflower the 72 Houris ((virgins) and 28 young, pre-

pubescent boys.  But wait just one minute I thought Islam prohibited homosexuality which is

punishable by death.  Muslim homosexuality is taboo and has severe consequences on earth

but it is allowed in paradise?  When the men get tire of their 72 virgins (Houris) they can turn

to the young boys.  To me that seems like a double standard.

In the dessert water was like gold.  It represented life.  No water and death will occur and this is

why wars were fought over wells.  To know that through jihad you will have as much water as

you need gave the young men incentive to martyrdom because life in the desert was tough and

harsh without a flow of running water.

In some Muslim countries wine was not allowed.  You could be imprisoned or die for drinking

alcohol.  Drinking wine was taboo on earth but in paradise it was allowed?  It was so stated

that the wine would not be intoxicating and therefore not sinful to drink in paradise.  Here is

another double standard.

Fruits were allowed in paradise for strength and energy after all the young men would need it

after dealing/deflowering with the 72 virgins (Houris) then turning to the young boys.

In the desert as I stated before life was hard and the young men didn’t have much in worldly

possessions but they were promises this in paradise and they were willing to do anything now

to get that in paradise.

It is so sad that some Muslims are not aware of the true meaning behind their religion.  It is not

a religion of peace but war and if they took the time to read thoroughly through the Qur’an,

Hadith, Shariah Law and other books that governed their lives and studied them they might just

think twice about serving Allah and following after Mohammad.

Here is story of a person who was zealous for God but yet he persecuted the followers of Jesus. 

He had Jesus’ followers put to death, imprisoned, arrested, persecuted, etc.  I’m talking about a

Jewish rabbi and Pharisee named Saul.  For the people of Israel he was known as a terrorist.  He

was truly an extremist in what he believed in.  He truly thought he was doing right.

Saul was convinced that he ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of

Nazareth.  This was taught to him by the chief priest.  He started at a young age.  See the

effects of wrong teachings to youths.  They are very zealous in what they believe in and they

will do anything to prove they are right.  The youth are our future.

“The ultimate expression of religious terrorism is murder in the name of God!” A TIME FOR HOPE, By:  David Epstein.

This was the concept of Islamic terrorist even though their God/Allah is not the same God the

Christians server and Saul a Jewish rabbi was thinking he was doing God a favor persecuting the

followers of Jesus.

The only thing that will change terrorism is the love and power of God.  God has to change the

human heart.  Saul’s heart was changed and he did a complete 360 degree change.  His name

was changed to Paul and he no longer persecuted the followers of Jesus but he became the


There are extreme terrorist in all walks of life such as adolescent terrorists like Eric Harris and

Dylan Klebod who engaged in cold blooded murder and suicide at Columbine High School. 

There are political terrorists like the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh who bombed

the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  Eric Rudolph was responsible for bombing the

Atlanta Olympics.  He also committed murder at an abortion clinic.  Edgar Killen was considered

to be a racial terrorist of the Ku Klux Klan.  He was a part-time Baptist preacher.  What God did

he serve?  Saul and Muhammad were religious terrorist.  Mohammed Atta and his Islamic

brothers were also religious terrorist.  They are responsible for nineteen murders. [A TIME FOR HOPE, By: David Epstein]

There are different responses to terrorism.  You have the military response which in many

cases is necessary and effective and costly.  The price of this response is the blood of brave

young men and women.  There is a political response which usually is inadequate and

ineffective because the U.N. assigns terrorist nations to monitor world terrorism.  What sense

does that make?  The economic response is effective because when nations freeze terrorist

assets it stops the nation who is supporting the terrorist by placing economic sanctions against

them.  The educational response is to teach our children respect for all human life and to

respect everyone’s culture.  The religious response teaches their people not to accept

terrorists, hatred and murder in their culture.  Last the spiritual response which is the best and

most effective.  In this response the human hearts and minds must be transformed by the love

and power of God.  “Every terrorist needs to encounter Jesus Christ and be set free by the gospel

just like the terrorist Saul.”  [A TIME FOR HOPE, By:  David Epstein]

There is a psychological side that Islamic extremist take in jihad.  Destruction of property was

done to humiliate and anger the enemy.  Prisoners of war were very cruelly treated.  They were

given the opportunity to convert to Islam.  There were campaigns of mass killings and this

psychological aim was to strike terror and fear in the enemy’s hearts to surrender.  When

engaged in a war hostage-taking and kidnapping was a customary practice for a source of

wealth to Muslim commanders.  And today it is used to secure concessions from central

government in contemporary Muslim states.  Radicals like taking hostages because it enhances

the psychological effect of the media.  Sometimes hostages are beheaded to increase the

reaction of fear and terror.  Heads that were decapitated were used as trophies of war. They

were also displayed publicly to ward off further would-be rebels.  It was a warning that this will

happen to you if you dear try to war against us.  The Ottomans used these tactics and it is

accepted as punishment in Islamic Criminal Law.  This law is practiced regularly in Saudi Arabia.

According to Shari’a there are five goals for kidnapping:
1.      Force government to fulfill specific demands
2.      Create problems for a government in its relations with the hostages home country
3.      Obtain important information from the hostages
4.      Obtain ransom money to provide financial support for the organization
5.      Draw attention to specific concerns.  GLOBAL JIHAD:  The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, By:  Patrick Sookhdeo Foreword by Professor Richard Holmes

Slitting the throat of enemies was another ritual practiced.  To the Muslims it was a sacrifice

offered up to Allah to propitiate him.  This was like the Islamic method for slaughtering animals. 

“They were thrown on their backs, held by their hands and feet, and then their throats were slit

while a prayer was recited.”  GLOBAL JIHAD:  The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, By:  Patrick Sookhdeo Foreword by Professor Richard Holmes

People were tortured such as amputations, floggings, crucifixions , etc. to force them to tell

were treasure was hidden, also for revenge if they didn’t convert to Islam.  This is definitely a

psychological tactic Muslim extremist used against their enemies.  Slavery was of men, women

and children.  The women became concubines the men and children did manual labor.  Slave

children were used in the army and administration as they grew older.  They were forced to

convert to Islam and trained as slave soldiers of the Muslim state.  The Ottoman Empire used

the Devshirme Institution for slavery.  These slaves were trained as the future elite troops of

the empire.  The slave trade became a great source of wealth and power to the Muslim states

even in the twentieth century and still continues today.  Espionage, intelligence and

propaganda are used by the Muslims.  Muhammad used spies that played a large part in his

successful conquest of the Arabian Peninsula.  He had a “network of intelligence service,

espionage and counter-espionage”.  Intelligence reports helped Muhammad thwart various

assassination conspiracies against his own life.  Muhammad used propaganda to create

suspicion and dissension amongst his enemies and Islamic extremists used it for the same

purpose today.  It places doubt in the mind of the enemy.  This tactic was used in Muhammad’s

days between the Meccans and a Jewish tribe in Medina.  They warned the Banu Qurayza Jews

in Medina not to trust the Meccans.  It was told to the Meccans that the Jews were conspiring

with the Muslims to hand the Meccan leaders to the Muslims.  This resulted in hostility

between the Jews and the Meccans.  See the doubt.  They played with their minds and won.

Islamic radical/extremists also al-Qa’eda are experts in using psychological warfare in the

crooked battle against the US and the West.  They used new and unconventional means of

weapons, technologies and tactics.  It is said that the United States reacts like a cowboy taking

revenge instead of having patience to study the problem before retaliation.  The U.S. was made

to look like it was waging a global war against the Islamic world and when the Muslims saw this

they felt the right of defensive jihad recruiting many against America.  America didn’t look at

the big picture just parts here and there and that’s why they reacted the way they did.  You

have to look at everything before jumping to any conclusions.

All the Islamic radical/extremist want to do it terrorize the civilian population in the west using

constant treats which also include nuclear threats with acts of barbaric brutality.  This plays on

the human mind especially when the media gets hold of these acts.  They manipulated not only

the media including TV stations, internet, radio, videos but also through CD-ROMs and DVD’s

and books .  They put out there what they want us/people to see and not the truth.  They want

people to think they are peaceful when in reality they are not.  They cause the security forces to

overreact.  These actions lead to human right violations and this makes the Muslim population

hostile to the security forces and governments.

News Flash:  An example of this is the 11:00 pm news I was watching on January 12, 2012

where they televised American Marines urinating on dead Afghanistan soldiers.  Any Muslim

watching this must have put anger in their hearts to want to kill all Americans.  This is a

violation against not only Muslims but to me any human being.  Why did they do this?  The

media was being used to angry the hearts of Muslims to a state of jihad against America.  I look

into the future to see something done in America for those Marines actions.

Before closing I would like to touch upon another psychological and theological analysis/reason

for Islamic extremists especially again the Jews. It deals with the enmity they have toward

them.  Again, all this enmity is because of the Qur’an, the Muslims’ religious book.  It is

displayed in their daily pray five times a day found in Sura 1:6-7.  You also have the

political/pragmatic which is based mainly on the land and the religious/Islamic based on the

Islamic mandates toward the Jews and the land.  The Muslims hate the fact that non-Muslims

and worst of all the Jews is in control of Palestine and Jerusalem, (Nakbah or the Catastrophe). 

The Muslims now had the right in their mind to declare jihad by “fiat” (an authoritative or

arbitrary order:  decree or dicate) as stated in the Qur’an, Sunnah/Hadith.  Also according to

Muslims through the Fitrah Doctrine-All mankind from eternity has submitted to Allah and thus

all are “Muslims”.  [Al-Yahud:  Eternal Islamic Enmity & the Jews, By:  Elias Al-Maqdisi & Sam

Solomon].  The Islamic Mission Call:  The Da’wa is presented to non-Muslims and if people

don’t convert and embrace Islam, jihad will be performed against them.  When a non-Muslim

rejects the invitation to embrace Islam it’s a crime that falls under the doctrine of “Fitnah” or

Dissension.”  Allah’s soliders are justified to wage every form of Jihad against their enemies

found in Sura 8:39 and Sura 9:29.  Jihad executes judgment here and now.

In closing the U.S. and other governments need to have a carefully researched and developed

counter-terrorism strategy to counter the propaganda of extremists/terrorists, corrupt

information sent out to the public so the public can be informed of the truth.  We want to win

the hearts and minds of the Muslim world but as I stated earlier that can only be done through

a spiritual response, their hearts and minds have to be changed through the love and power of

Jesus Christ God’s Son.

A TIME FOR HOPE: One New York Pastor’s Biblical Response to 9?11, Terrorism and Islam, By:  David Epstein, Copyright 2011 by David Epstein, Published by ANM Publishers

MIRAGE:  The Love Language of Islam!  Wake Up America…Before It’s Too Late, By:  David Ibrahim, Copyright 2010 by David Ibrahim, Published by ANM Publishers

GLOBAL JIHAD:  The Future in the Face of Militant Islam, By:  Patrick Sookhdeo Foreword by Professor Richard Holmes, Copyright 2007 by Patrick Sookhdeo, Published by Isaac Publishing 6729 Curran Street, McLean VA  22101

AL-YAHUD:  Eternal Islamic Enmity & the Jews, By:  Elias Al-Maqdisi & Sam Solomon, Copyright 2010 by Sam Solomon, Published by ANM Publishers