Thursday, June 28, 2012



Psalm 103:15-22

The LORD has established His
throne in heaven, and His kingdom
rules over all. -Psalm 103:19

In James Fenimore Cooper's book The Last of the Mohicans, we become acquainted with a character named David Gamut.  He is a devout Christian who delights in setting the Psalms to music and singing them no matter what circumstances life brings his way.  Gamut believes that God can be trusted in crisis as well as in good times.  He lives a life in praise of God's sovereignty-His supreme power, authority, and control over the world.

The Bible tells us about another David, a flesh-and-blood person who was no stranger to unpredictable life circumstances and who loved to respond to God in praise:  King David of Israel.  He saw the giant Goliath fall by his sling, he was chased by the murderous King Saul, and he watched the nation of Israel rally under his own leadership.  Yet in all these situations, David took time to write and sing psalms of praise to his sovereign God.  For example, he wrote, "The LORD has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all" (Psalm 103:19).  David understood that in all circumstances we can worship and thank God for His care and control.

What are you experiencing today?  A time of blessing or of testing?  In any event, remember David's example, and sing praises to God for His rule in our lives. -Dennis Fisher

Lord, shape my life as only You can,
Guiding each day by Your loving plan;
Take what You need and give what You will;
My life is Yours to use and to fill. -Branon
Praise the LORD!  Praise Him according to
His excellent greatness! - Psalm 150:1-2

Psalm 103, written by David, is a song in praise and celebration of God's character and actions.  In these verses, the frailty and brevity of human existence is graphically represented by the twin metaphors of withering grass and fading flowers (vv. 15-16), imagery also used in Isaiah 40:6-8 and James 1:10-11.  Man's mortality is contrasted with God's eternality and sovereignty (Psalm 103:17).  Though man's life may be transitory, he is established by God's love, compassion, and lovingkindness (vv. 4,8,11,17,18).  God has endowed humanity with immeasurable value, unparalleled significance, and immortality (Isaiah 43:3-13).  The apostle Peter also commented on sinful man's transitory nature but in contrast to the eternal Word of God (1 Peter 1:24-25).  God offers hope and comfort to mortal man.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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