Romans 8:12-26
You received the Spirit of
adoption by whom we cry
out, "Abba, Father."
-Romans 8:15
For more than a century, the pinnacle of golf has been to score 59-a score that had been recorded only three times in PGA Tour history before 2010. Then, in 2010, Paul Goydos scored a 59-only to be equaled a month later by Stuart Appleby's 59. Consequently, some sportswriters speculated that the most coveted achievement in golf was now becoming commonplace! It's amazing to see two 59s in the same season, but it would be a mistake to begin to view this as ordinary.
For those who follow Jesus Christ it is also a mistake to view the remarkable as ordinary. Think about prayer for instance. At any moment we can talk to the Creator God who spoke the universe into existence! Not only are we welcomed into His presence, but we are invited to enter boldly: "Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
There is nothing ordinary about access to God-yet sometimes we take this privilege for granted. He is almighty God, but He is also our Father who loves us and allows us to call on Him at any moment of any day. Now that's extraordinary! -Bill Crowder
Our prayers ascend to heaven's throne
Regardless of the form we use;
Our Father always hears His own
Regardless of the words we choose. -D. De Haan
God is always available to hear
the prayers of His children.
Not only do we have the extraordinary privilege of prayer, we are also aided in prayer by the Holy Spirit. Paul says that the Spirit informs and strengthens our prayers even when we don't know how to pray (.26). This is the depth of the Father's commitment to communion with us.
Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace
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