Sunday, April 1, 2012


In view this chart, WHO WILL YOU SERVE?


JESUS                                                                          MUHAMMAD
First born Son                                                             First born son
Messiah (Witness)                                                      Messenger (Witness)Prophet                                                                      Prophet
His life affected the world                                        His life affected the world
Had visions of what society should be                    Had visions of what society
                                                                                    should be
Warned His disciples of false prophets                   Warned his disciples of false
His message was to be by word of mouth              His message was to be by word
                                                                                    of mouth
Wanted everybody to hear His message                Wanted everybody to hear his
After death His message was written down           After death his message was
                                                                                    written down
Gave instructions on how to deal with inhospitable outsiders-----------SAME----------------------
Didn’t like idol worship                                            Didn’t like idol worship
Revered by the people of His religion                     Revered by the people of his
Bearer of Good News (The Gospel)                          Bearer of Good Tidings
His teachings were questioned                                His teachings were questioned
The way of life to the world is Jesus                       The way of life to Muslims is
The light of the world for everyone                        The light of the world for
Did what the sender told Him to do                        Did what the sender told him to
Reformer                                                                    Reformer
Spent many years in secular government              Spent many years in secular
Monotheistic                                                             Monotheistic
Legislator                                                                    Legislator
Leader                                                                         Leader
A teacher (Rabbi)                                                       Teacher
Miracle worker                                                          The Quran was his miracle
Displayed emotions                                                   Displayed emotions
Had no sin                                                                  Born in sin
Infant Prophecies                                                      Older child prophecies
Killed (Crucified)                                                         Killed (Poisoned)
Spiritual Warrior                                                       Physical Warrior
Virgin Conception                                                     Human Conception
Born knowing His position in the world                 Didn’t know his position until
Religious life through godly parents                       Religious life through earthly
Was religious all His life                                            Became religious after he was 40
                                                                                    years old
Came from heaven (Spiritual)                                   Born on earth (worldly)
Wanted spiritual things                                            Wanted physical things
Heaven is spiritual                                                     Heaven (Paradise) is physical
Didn’t want recognition (Humble)                           Wanted Recognition
Was not in politics                                                    Was into politics
Can’t lie                                                                      Can/did lie
Kept His word                                                            Changed his word
Left Nazareth peacefully or be killed                       Left Mecca peacefully or be killed
Came back peacefully                                                Came back with a vengeance
Accepted His death                                                   Saved his life
Redeemer                                                                   Conqueror
Showed mercy toward His enemies                         Showed no mercy toward his
Killed no one                                                              Killed many
Cared about others (everyone)                               Cared about fellow Muslims
Healer                                                                         Did not heal
Will return                                                                 Will return when everyone is
Will judge the world                                                 Muslims believe he the final ruler
Guaranteed salvation                                                Wasn’t sure of his salvation
Revelations from God                                               Revelations first thought from
Deity                                                                           Human
Creator (also giver of life)                                         Did not create
Loved His enemies                                                     Hated his enemies
Honored women Like daughters to Him)                 Used women (Wives, slaves,
Born with power                                                       Wanted power
A religion of peace, love, tolerance                         Not a religion of peace, love,
Appreciated in the Quran                                        Not found or appreciated in the
Didn’t like the plunder of war                                 Loved the plunder of war
Founder of Christianity                                             Founder of Islam
Unpopular when He died (Disciples left Him)         Popular hero, ruler, diplomat,
Jesus’ final message teaches about love:               Muhammad’s final sermon on
“Love your enemies and pray for those who            Arafar:  “”Today your religion is
                                                                                   completed and the grace of God/
persecute you (Matthew 5:44 – NIV)                       Allah is fulfilled in your life.  And
                                                                       I bear witness that Islam is your
                                                                           religion.  O Muslim people, you are
                                                           prohibited to shed blood among
                                                                     yourselves or to steal from each other
                                                                      or take advantage of each other or to
                                                                     steal the women or wives of Muslims.
                                                                      After today there will no longer be two
                                                                      religions existing in Arabia.  I descended
                                                                     by Allah with the sword in my hand, and
                                                                    my wealth will come from the shadow of
                                                                     my sword.  And the one who will disagree
                                                            with me will be humiliated and persecuted."
[Mark A. Gabriel, Phd, JESUS and MUHAMMAD: Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities:

J  E  S  U  S      OR      M  U  H  A  M  M  A  D

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