Thursday, December 13, 2012



1 John 2:12-17

I write to you, fathers, because
you have know Him who is from
the beginning.  -1 John 2:13

I used to serve on the elder board of a church in California.  One elder, Bob Smith, who was older than most of us, frequently called us back to the Word of God for guidance.

On one occasion we were discussing a leadership shortage in the church and had spent an hour or more working through various solutions.  Bob was silent throughout the discussion.  Finally, he said quietly, "Gentlemen, we've forgotten Jesus' solution to our leadership issue.  Before we do anything, we must first 'ask the Lord of the send out workers'" (Luke 10:2 NIV). We were humbled, and spent the rest of our time praying that God would raise up workers and send them into the field.

C.S. Lewis said, "The next best thing to being wise one-self is to live in a circle of those who are."  Proverbs 1:5 says, "A man of understanding will attain wise counsel."  Bob's comment is just one example of the value of wise men and women who "have known Him who is from the beginning" (1 John 2:13-14) and whose minds are saturated with the Word of God.

Let's take to heart the counsel of those who have lived in the Lord's presence and are mature in His wisdom.  They are God's gift to us and our churches. -David Roper

The older saints who trust God's Word
Have trod the paths that we now walk;
They've fought the battles we now fight-
Their wisdom teaches truth and right. -Branon
That one is truly wise who gains
his wisdom from the experience of others.

In today's reading, we see the aging apostle John addressing children, fathers, and young men.  John's age and gender designations are not meant to be restrictive-the categories refer to varied levels of maturity.  The children category refers to those believers who are new converts.  New life has been poured into their hearts and forgiveness of sin has relieved their troubled consciences.  The father designation refers to those who have known Christ for a significant period of time and have been obedient.  Finally, John speaks to young men who, becoming familiar with the temptations of the devil, have learned to draw upon the power of God to resist him.

Have a blessed day.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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