Wednesday, March 14, 2012


By:  John Jefferson Davis
Dimensions of Decision Making
Does in vitro fertilization represent a welcome solution to the problem of infertility, or does it raises the specter of the further dehumanization of marriage and human sexuality?
The Bible speaks of everything under the sun but sometimes in an indirect way and you have to allow God’s Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see the truth.
As far as in vitro fertilization being a welcome solution to the problem of infertility, God doesn’t need help in allowing a person to bear a child.  He is life and whomever He wills to conceive they will and in vitro fertilization has nothing to do with it even though man might think so.  Always remember Abram and Sara.  She was barren up until she was 90 years old and then God allowed her to conceive.  In vitro fertilization does not raise the specter of further dehumanize marriage and human sexuality because God is in control.  Look at Genesis 1:26, 28)-26 Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, in Our likeness…, 28 – God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number… as you can see, God is in total control of life and man/woman multiplying.  When He breathes life into that egg life will begin so man has nothing to do with it.

Under what condition, if any, could sterilization be a legitimate contraceptive choice for the Christian?
Speaking from a Christian point of view I don’t see from any point how sterilization could be a legitimate contraceptive choice because God wants us to be fruitful and multiply.  I believe God knows our heart and when He sees that we don’t want children, He won’t give them to us.  God is in control of everything in our life and we have to let Him guide us in the right direction.

In a sinful world, is it always possible to find in a course of action that is thoroughly pleasing to God, or is it sometimes necessary to choose between the lesser of two sins?  A lie involves “an intention to deceive when we are expected and bound to speak the truth.” [Charles Hodge]
When you think of the statement “lesser-of-two evils” which means you are faced with something sinful but you do the one with the less sin, God does not have us take part in anything sinful.  When God takes us through trials and tribulations there will be a way of escape so we will be able to endure, (1 Corinthians 10:13) and no sin is involved because God hates sin.
If you look at the case of Rahab she was living in a war area where she did not tell the king’s men about the people of God hiding in her house.  She shifted her allegiance from the king of Jericho to the God of Israel meaning she became a Christian and therefore had no obligation to make full disclosure to the king’s soldiers.  She was now protecting the lives of the servants of God and her course of action was acceptable to God.  Rahab did not lie.

Could a Christian ever be legitimately involved in a violent revolution?
Yes as long as God is in control.  David and Goliath is an example of a violent revolution.  God was with David and David killed Goliath for God’s people and they were saved out of the hand of evil.

How much Christian morality should be legislated?
All Christian morality should be legislated.  “Where Scripture indicates that unbelievers can have moral awareness on a given issue through general revelation, then it may be appropriate for Christians to press for legislation in that area.”  “Civil laws that is consistent with the teachings of Scripture point society to a higher standard of righteousness, which is fulfilled only in Jesus Christ.  Such laws remain a worthy object of Christian concern and social action.” 


The question of the use of artificial means of contraception raises profound moral questions.  At the personal level, the meaning of human sexuality and love and the very purpose of marriage are at stake.  What should a parent tell a teenage son or daughter in today’s permissive society, where contraceptive devices are so readily available?
As a Christian, I would teach my children what the Bible says and I will instill this information when they are young so as they grow up in today’s society where sex has run-a-muck they will remember what they were taught as they are going up.
The Bible states “Do not commit adultery”.  The words are clearly stated yet some people want to legitimize extra-marital sex by appealing to the “fulfillment of human wholeness” and try to claim that is “free obedience to what God is doing in the world”.  They are totally wrong and the commandment states it.

They won’t have to worry about using contraceptive devices because they will keep themselves holy before God until marriage therefore not needing those devices. 

Premarital sex is definitely not God’s will.  It’s in the commandment, “Thou shall not commit adultery” and fornication goes with that.  The biblical teaching on the illicitness of sexual intercourse outside of marriage is clear and unequivocal and that’ s why it’s so important to teach children when they’re young God’s Word.  If we root this concept along with others as they grow older, they’ll know right from wrong and won’t let peer pressure turn their taught values.  God’s Word will be rooted in their hearts and they won’t depart from it.

The Bible states what happen when you have Premarital Sex.  Those who sow to the flesh will from the flesh reap corruption (Galatians 6:8) and this is why people come up with gonorrhea and other illnesses.
“Persistent violation by any society of the basic principle of the moral law will eventually reap its consequences.  As the modern proverb has it, in the long run, we don’t break God’s laws; they break us.”

The use of contraceptive devices is another issue.  Personally as a Christian I think they shouldn’t be used because again as I have stated in Chapter 1, God is in control of our bodies and when it’s time to conceive He has control over women bearing a child not man.  But if contraceptives are used you have to use the safe ones because there are some that aborts a child and to me that’s murder.

As a Christian we are not to take or do anything that is harmful to our body and especially a new life in our body because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are not to abuse it, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) 19-Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; 20-you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your body.  You can also look at Romans 6:13- Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as  instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness.

At the global level, does world population growth make the widespread use of contraceptive devices a moral imperative?
As a Christian, I agree with this statement by a Traditional Roman Catholic moral theologian, Charles McFadden “Any use of man’s reproductive powers is immoral when the use is of such a nature that it impedes attainment of the very purposes for which God created these organs.”  God wants man to multiply, (Genesis 1:28 – God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number…, and to stop the growth of a nation.  Man is trying to impede God’s divine plan.

“The prevention of conception is not itself forbidden or sinful providing the reasons for it is in harmony with the total revelation of God for married life.”  I agree with this statement 100% but I don’t agree with the Humane Vitae in 1968 who endorsed the legitimacy in some cases of sterilization and abortion as means of birth control.  That’s straight out murder in my opinion.

The one moral code taught by the Bible is authoritative.  The sex education programs that abandon Judeo-Christian values exacerbate the problem of illegitimacy father than solve it.

In closing, Christians who have larger families and who raise their children well are making a contribution of great significance to both society and the kingdom of God. We are to remember and practice the biblical mandate for the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19, 20).  We are also to practice the importance of the Culture Mandate to “be fruitful and Multiply (Genesis 1:28).  God wants His kingdom to expand through evangelism and through the raising up of a godly seed (Malachi 2:15).


“Are human beings uniquely valuable as bearers of the divine image, or is the value of a human life to be assessed on some sliding scale of social utility?”
As a Christian we are to honor human life as Genesis 1:27 states “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” (NIV).  We all know as Christians that whatever God created is good, Genesis 1:31 “God saw all that He made and it was very good….”

The abortion rate is so high because a good percentage are due to women not being married and it would look bad upon them to have a child out of wedlock.  You can see a moral issue here, thank God.

The US is the leader in teen abortions and a big amount of those abortions are performed in the second trimester of their pregnancy.  During this time the killing is so real and unmistakable and some doctors just won’t perform abortions during that stage but others will because they’re getting paid and I believe they have no moral values, no conscience.

Some people thought it was alright to abort a child if the mother doesn’t feel movement.  As a Christian I disagree with that concept.  When a woman conceives, life begins.  I also don’t agree with the American Medical Association who doesn’t agree with abortion unless the mother’s life is in danger.  As a Christian we are to leave it in God’s hands.  If He allowed the mother to conceive, He will provide.  Thank God for the new scientific discoveries in human embryology, which clearly established that a new human being was in existence from the time of conception.  I am totally against the so called “therapeutic” abortion.  How can anybody take a child’s life away because their mother has too many children or they cannot afford that unborn child now?  Is a human life worth so little?

To allow abortions up to the very moment of birth is MURDER and I can’t understand how the Courts would allow that not only as a Christian but as a mother.

Abortion methods such as vacuum curettage, dilation and curettage and dilation and evacuation are terrible forms of abortions, (View Page 135).   As a Christian and human being in hearing what they consist of I see nothing but murder, murder murder.  Also view the abortion methods hysterotomy, prostaglandins and hypertonic saline, murder, murder, murder (View Page 135).  Any method of abortion to me as a Christian is murder.

“Women who seek abortions may well be damaging their future ability to experience a successful pregnancy.”

Abortion affects a person’s mind.  They have feelings of guilt, anxiety, depression, sense of loss, remorse and deterioration of self-image.  Of course guilt rated number one among those feelings.  Men suffer to with a of feeling losing their fatherhood.  Some doctors and nurses are also affected because they are the people that are supposed to help heal and preserve life not destroy it.  A conflict of interest is seen here in performing abortions isn’t it?  As a Christian I can’t see a Christian in the medical field be a part of anything to do with abortion because it is murder.

“Fletcher identifies personhood with a minimum degree of human consciousness and intelligence”.  He stated “that the unborn child becomes a person at the moment of birth, when the umbilical cord is cut.”  I disagree with his theory and believe that life start once conception begins and to terminate that life is murder.

Geisler believes in the “actual person” and the “potential person” concept meaning you can abort a baby “potential person” because he/she is not a person yet.  He’s not saying the baby has no value, the baby does but God’s providential care will be provided (Psalm 139:13-15).  [Page 146]

“A violent intrusion into a woman’s womb does not bring with it a moral birthright for the embryo.”

“Any child born of intercourse by consenting parties is implicitly willed and as such has the right to live.” 

I agree somewhat on the position “life-of-the-mother” especially when the embryo is in the Fallopian tube instead of the uterus.  Even with today’s technology the embryo cannot grow outside the uterus.  This type of pregnancy would have to be terminated to save the mother.

God’s image is present in the unborn human being, (Psalm 139:13-14; Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:44; and Psalm 51:5).  Professor Harold L.J. Brown believes through these Bible passages that the unborn child is a human being and I believe to abort that child you’ve committed murder.  The following verses also show that God is responsible for the creation of human life in the womb, (Job 10:8-13 and 31:13, 15).

***Where would this world be if Mary decide to abort Jesus Christ the Son of God?***

I don’t agree with the “life-and-breath” approach because as a Christian I know that God values the life of the unborn child at every stage of development; not just during the advanced stages of pregnancy.

If a woman is raped or has a child that is deformed, as a Christian I don’t agree with destroying that life.  If you abort a child because you were raped, you’re punishing the child.  If you abort a child because he/she is going to be deformed, you fall under Darwin’s Theory “survival to the fittest”.  Only God has the right to take a child home with Him.  God uses the weak for His divine glory (II Corinthians 12:9).  For Christ ethic was not “search and destroy,” but “to seek and to save.”

**Abortion is not in my opinion the “humane” course of action because again, God can use anybody for His glory.**

“The biblical ethic upholds the dignity and worth of every human being regardless of the state of development or physical dependency, from the moment of conception until natural death.”

 Reproductive Technologies

This book is old and copyrighted in 1985 but some of the people in this book had a very good insight into the future especially Richard McCormick, Professor of Christian Ethics at Georgetown University with his statement “When we do that (use the sperm bank of brilliant men to carefully select women so they can produce “superior children”) we turn ourselves into shoppers and our children into purchases.  A person that does that is on his way to doing a lot more that civilized people ought not to do.”  Look at today’s society now.  The morality rate has skyrocketed.  The world has run amuck in every area.

Artificial Insemination is definitely one advance of man that I disagree with.  God does not need any help in having a woman become pregnant.  And no matter how you look at it, if God does not breathe the breath of life into that cell there will be no life.  God should get the credit (glory) not man but man still thinks he has done something.  God wants us to have holy offspring and not for us to use a Do-it-yourself “home insemination kits”

Artificial insemination by husband (AIH) and artificial insemination by donor (AID) are both not ethical in my opinion.  The husband might not be close to the child because he is not the child’s biological father and think about this, if the same man donor is used a lot, there is a possibility of unwitting incestuous marriages in the future.

“According to official Roman Catholic teaching, both AIH and AID are morally illicit.”  I agree with this fact.  They both are forbidden but married or unmarried people should not use this procedure.  Pope Pius XII didn’t like the use of AIH or AID because it is wrong to use unnatural means to achieve a worthy end.

In the procedure “Surrogate Mother: Wombs for Rent” I disagree with that procedure.  Just like AID the father being left out, this process leaves the mother out.  Becoming a surrogate mother is walking into a legal minefield.  Both surrogate and AID you have a third party that intrudes both biologically and emotionally into the sanctity of the marriage bond.

Hagar was a surrogate for Abraham and Sarah.  Ishmael was born (Genesis 16:1-6).  Do you see all the problems that occurred after that birth?

***We have to keep in mind that not all practices described by Scripture are thereby endorsed by Scripture as moral ideals.***

Sex Selection by Dr. Ronald Ericsson’s idea I don’t agree with because he is stating in a way he has the power to help a couple have a male child by increasing the speed of the Y sperm to reach the egg first before the X sperm reaches the egg which will produce a female.

I don’t agree with this Amniocentesis because if it’s not the sex the couple wants they have that child aborted.  We’re talking about MURDER again.

“Men and women as the image bearers of God have the responsibility to exercise their procreative powers for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom, and this includes exercising those powers in the light of rational planning and forethought.  In the last analysis God is sovereign in such areas.”

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has most commonly been resorted to when the women’s Fallopian tubes are blocked or damage, thus making impossible the normal passage of the egg from the ovaries to the place of fertilization.”

I don’t agree with In Vitro Fertilization because again man is trying to play God.  God does not need help in causing a woman to conceive.  Maybe, for some reason, only God knows why that woman shouldn’t have a child.

***I agree with the fact that no human embryo should be experimented on.***

“IVF violates the proper family environment for the generation of human beings.  IVF displaces the human act which is the essential bonding act of the family.”  [Professor Albert S. Moraczewski]

In closing IVF represents a morally unacceptable form of experimentation on human subjects, who are being exposed to as yet unknown risks.
Divorce and Remarriage

“Divorce can be defined as the legal or customary decree that a marriage is dissolved.”

In the early church, the view of Augustine was you can get a divorce on the grounds of adultery.  But I agree with the Bible and believe that no matter what except death are you to divorce, (Matthew 19:3-6) especially verse 6 – so they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate, (NIV).

Deuteronomy 24:1-4 might be considered the most important Old Testament text relating to divorce but I believe God does not want us to divorce each other.  The only reason why it came about was because, Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard.  But it was not this way from the beginning, Matthew 19:8 (NIV).

Malachi 2:16 – “I HATE DIVORCE,”…(NIV)

I agree with Malachi’s teaching about divorce.  Husbands and wives are to be faithful to each other.  They both are to serve God as their Father.  God wants their union to produce godly offspring.

If you look at Matthew 5:31, 32 and Matthew 19:9 in reference to divorce you have the term “unfaithful” but when you look at Mark 10:11, 12 and Luke 6:18 the word “unfaithful” isn’t there.  It all boils down to Malachi 2:16 where God said, “I HATE DIVORCE”.  Case closed.  Marriage was important to God and there is not to be a division/separation/ending of marriage.  Your wife/husband is your life partner until death do you part.  That’s it. 

“They do not necessarily constitute a continuing state of adultery.”  I disagree with this statement because adultery is adultery.  If you remarry, you are committing adultery.  Sin is anything displeasing to God and to remarry is sin.

I agree to what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 7:10 and how he specifically states it is him not the Lord that says:  “If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.  And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him…But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so.  A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.  Paul also states what the Lord said and not him, “A wife must not separate from her husband.  But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband.  Once you’re married you are to stay married.  This is what I believe as a Christian.

From my understanding of this reading it is stated that in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 “The conclusion, then, is that in the case of desertion by an unbelieving spouse, the Christian may acquiesce to divorce and subsequently may remarry.”  I disagree with this interpretation and again this is not what God wanted, this is what man wanted, divorce.

“God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).  Divorce is always a consequence of sinful human attitudes and behavior and should not be encouraged or promoted by any Christian leader.”

I believe if you divorce you are not to remarried because God hates divorce and to remarry would be committing adultery.

Christians who divorce for any reason in my opinion are sinning against God.

In closing, looking at my final question: can a divorced person be eligible for leadership positions in the church?  I say no because that person has to set an example.  Look at I Timothy 3:2 stating that the church leader must be above reproach.

“In this book a homosexual is understood as one who in adult life is motivated by a definite preferential erotic attraction to members of the same sex and who usually (but not necessarily) engages in overt sexual relation with them”

How should the Christian Church respond pastorally to the homosexual?
The Christian Church should make sure the homosexual know that they are loved and that God loves them too.  The Scripture should be presented to them showing that God is displeased with their life style and try to show them the error of their way through Scripture.  Last the Christian is to invite them to allow God in their life so He can show them the right way.

The Greeks were opposed to homosexual activities.  The Romans also disapproved of homosexual activities.  Other cultures such as the Vikings, Visigoths, Celts and Vandals also disapproved of homosexuality and it was punished severely.

Homosexuality was changed from mental disorders to “sexual orientation disturbance.”  If preferential homosexuality is adopted as a standard by any society that society will eventually prove to be socially counterproductive.

“The clear implication of these results is that sexual preference is predominantly a socially learned response, not an orientation fixed from the outset by genetic or hormonal factors.”

“From a biblical perspective, the genesis of homosexuality is not a matter of ‘nature’ to the exclusion of ‘nurture’ or vice-versa, but rather a combination of both.  It holds man morally responsible for the way he interacts with his world.”

In my opinion, homosexuality is something the individual chooses.  Just as God has given us free will to choose Him or the world, we have a choice to live the way we want, heterosexually or homosexually. So it’s our choice.

I agree with the fact that the practice of homosexuality is a health risk to people.  They spread syphilis, gonorrhea, Aids, rectal cancer and other diseases faster because they are freer with sex than the heterosexuals.

“It was not good for the man to be alone (Genesis 2:18), and so God created the woman to be man’s counterpart and co-laborer in the fulfillment of the dominion mandated to subdue the earth (Genesis 1:20).  In looking at these two verses how can anybody agree with homosexuality as a way of life?  When man was alone God didn’t make another man to comfort Adam.  God made a woman and that’s how the world is supposed to be.

                                                                      CHAPTER FIVE

“The primal form of humanity is the fellowship of a man and woman.”

To be fruitful and multiply, (Genesis 1:28), you can’t have man with man and woman with woman.  It’s just not going to produce children.  Homosexuality is just one of the basic disorders of human life because of the fall of man, sin.  The first sign of homosexuality is found in Genesis 19:1-11, the story of LOT.

“Homosexual practices are strongly condemned in the Mosaic law.  ‘You shall not lie with a male as with  as with a woman:  it is an abomination”, (Leviticus 18:22).  You can be put to death, (Leviticus 20:13).  Look at Judges 19 and you will see another Scripture that contains an explicit reference to homosexuality.  The New Testament also speaks out against homosexuality found in, Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10.

I agree with the Pauline analysis that “homosexual practices derive ultimately not from the social environment, but from the human heart or inner disposition, which has turned away from God”.  I would like to add that man’s mind went along with what the heart was feeling.  Look also at 1 Corinthians 6:9.  This verse also refers to homosexuality which is considered a morally blameworthy activity that can exclude the persistent practitioner from the Kingdom of God look also at, 1Timothy 1:10.

“Both the Old and the New Testament are unequivocal in their teaching that homosexuality is contrary to the moral law of God, and only the most forced and arbitrary modes of biblical interpretation can conclude otherwise.”

I agree with the church saying “homosexuality is contrary to the divine will for human sexuality.  Churches must regret the sin but be willing and ready to be used by God in the reclamation of the sinner.”

“Christians cannot consistently support making a civil right of that which the Scriptures teach to be morally wrong.  The proper role of the Christian church is to hold forth the clear teachings of biblical revelation, whose wisdom has been confirmed by history, and to offer the homosexual the hope and promise of new life through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

Infanticide and Euthanasia

In reading the beginning of this chapter on infanticide, I can’t believe that those parents allowed their child to be starved to death and I totally disagree with the statement Singer made in reference to how an animal can be more important than a deformed human being.  An animal don’t have a soul.  When it dies there is no life after that.

“It was the spreading influence of the Christian faith that eventually brought to a halt such life-destroying practices of the Roman Empire as infanticide and gladiatorial combat.”  I am so glad that the Christians stepped-up to the injustice of children being MURDER.

I agree with the law stepping in now calling it murder, involuntary manslaughter also conspiracy and child abuse or neglect when the parents don’t give their consent for the child to get the medical treatment needed for the correction of their condition to save the child’s life.  And I’m glad that they hold the medical staff also responsible if they don’t do their best to save that life, [Homicide by Omission].

The statement “Medical expertise does not guarantee that medical decisions will be morally sound ones.”  I agree with this statement and you can see the results in the MURDERS of the deformed/handicapped born children.  “Such life-and-death decisions, if left in the hands of parents and physicians, can lack some essential checks and balance.”

I agree with the “sanctity of life” being based on the idea of the image of God and what it stands for.  The “quality of life” which is considered based on brain function I disagree with because it allows abortion/MURDER of the born or unborn child.

I don’t agree with the statement, “There is, however, no moral obligation to provide useless treatment to a genuinely terminal patient.”  I think whatever can be don’t medically, physically, socially, etc. for a child, person should be done so they can live their life out until death.  They should be made as comfortable as possible, (Ecclesiastics 3:2).

“The basic trust of medicine should always be to choose life (cf. Deuteronomy 30:19), because all human life is sacred to God who made it.”

I agree with this definition of death:  (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, “ because “this definition in terms of the entire brain is morally acceptable, and actually provides a check against euthanasia, inappropriate and premature harvesting of the dead and other forms of unethical experimentation upon the sick and dying.”

Infanticide and Euthanasia

I agree with the statement:  “it was generally understood that ‘ordinary means’ were morally obligatory, while ‘extraordinary’ one were not, because the former means consisted of all those medicines, treatments, and operations that offered a reasonable hope of benefit and that can be obtained and used without excessive expenses, pain, or other inconvenience.”  This one seemed to want to help people and not burden them or their family.

It is morally permissible to administer to a dying patient a drug that will alleviate pain, but at the same time deprive the patient of sense and reason?”  I agree with alleviating the pain of a person as long as it’s not a drug killing him but I don’t understand the second statement about sense and reason.

I don’t agree with “active or passive euthanasia” because in my opinion both are MURDER.

***For the Christian death is not final.  It is the doorway to eternal life.***

I agree with “Palliative care” because it’s designed to increase the patient’s comfort and control pain, it provides food and water and normal nursing care, and it minimizes stress for the dying patient and the family.  This is a moral action in my opinion.

“Euthanasia-the deliberate killing of a person suffering an illness believed to be terminal, ostensibly out of mercy.  This definition reflects the popular terminology of ‘mercy killing.’”  I disagree with this type of action to be taken to end a person’s life.  In my opinion it’s MURDER.

“The euthanasia mentality, which deliberately chooses death as a moral end, is totally incompatible with the historic life-affirming stance of medicine.”

Euthanasia violates the commandment “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), except in the case of justifiable war, self-defense and capital punishment.

*In closing remember, determining the moment of death is God’s prerogative, not man’s (Job 14:5).*
Capital Punishment

I don’t agree with Capital Punishment. It is taking someone’s life.
Capital punishment may be defined as ‘the execution of a criminal under death sentence imposed by competent public authority.  ‘Capital’ punishment thus implies the idea of ‘chief,’ ‘principal,’ or ‘extreme’ penalty.’”
Scripture does back up “Capital Punishment” in Genesis 9:6 – “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in His image.”  Even with this said, I still personally don’t believe in taking the life of another person no matter what.
“The Bible never calls for the torture of criminals; in fact it condemns excessive punishment.”
“The death of Christ was a demonstration of God’s justice, because God in His forbearance had left many previous sins unpunished.  The cross proved God to be simultaneously just in punishing sin, and merciful in forgiving those who have faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:25,26).
Capital punishment is actually the application on the human plane of the principle of retributive justice demonstrated by God Himself in the cross of Jesus Christ.”
I agree with the Abolitionists who argue that in a society plagued with racism, capital punishment cannot be administered in a just and colorblind manner.  This also applies to the wealthy.  They can literally get away with murder because they have the finance to stick it out.
A person that is convicted of killing another person without a question or doubt needs to be killed according to the Bible for the fact that he might kill again and not care because he knows nothing will be done to him.  Take him out so he doesn’t harm anyone else. 
“The death penalty reminds the murderer, in a way that life imprisonment cannot, of the grim but inescapable truth that it is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
“The proper administration of the death penalty is a display of divine justice and God’s wrath on the wrongdoer (Romans 13:4).  Because it underscores man’s accountability for his actions it serves as a grim reminder of the need to make peace with God while that opportunity yet remains.

Civil Disobedience and Revolution

Civil Disobedience – “A public, nonviolent, and conscientious act contrary to law, usually done with the intent to bring about a change in the policies or laws of the government.”  “In most cases, the act is undertaken in order to draw attention to a state of affairs considered unjust, to raise moral consciousness of the citizenry, and to set in motion the dynamics of social change.”

I agree with civil disobedience as long as in the end God will get the glory in the decision made by the government.  If you look at the Hebrew midwives they disobeyed the order of the king of Egypt, (Exodus 1:15-22).  Another example was Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to comply with King Nebuchadnezzar’s compulsory state religions, (Daniel 3:1) and there are many more examples in the Bible of civil obedience but they all led up to the glory of God. He was honored in the end not man’s law obeyed.

“If the commands of human rulers conflict with those of God, then God alone must be obeyed.  As John Calvin observed, ‘The Lord…is King of Kings who…must alone be heard….If they command anything against Him, let it go unesteemed.’”

The statement of Jesus recorded in Matthew 22:21, ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s’ was radical in the context of the ancient world’s understanding of the power of the state.  For indeed ‘the reign of Caesar passes, but God’s reign comes and does not pass away.’”

We as humans get our authority from God (John 19:11) for His behalf and if we choose not to do that we are serving the beast and enemy of God (Revelation 13).

“Civil authorities ought to be obeyed in all that can be done without sin. ‘But when the commands of the civil authority cannot be obeyed without sin, we must obey God rather than men’” (Acts 5:29).

“Human power is not the final court of appeal or arbiter of human action; God alone is.”

Civil disobedience should be seen as a method not of first resort, but rather of last resort, when legal channels have already been pursued.”  I agree totally with this concept but sometimes you have to act right away because of the culture you’re in.

I agree that the act of civil disobedience be public rather than clandestine because you want the public to be aware of what you are doing.  You are not going along with in the government so they can see and agree with you, and hopefully bring about change.

Civil Disobedience and Revolution

Should Christians ever participate in violent revolutions?
“Revolution has been defined as an attempt to make a radical change in the system of government, often involving the infringement of prevailing constitutional arrangements and the use of force.”

“Revolutions, which tear the fabric of social continuity, cannot be in society’s best interests.” [Edmund Burke]

After reading this book I would say that Christians should not participate in violent revolutions because it tears the fabric of social continuity and God doesn’t want that destruction to occur.  God has put man in charge as long as they are doing God’s will we should not take part in revolutions.  Look at Romans 13:2:  “He who resists the authorities resists what God has appointed.”  If we disobey them we disobey God.  But on the other hand if man goes against God’s will they are no longer to be obeyed because they are not following God’s leading.  We are to defy them.

“Scripture makes it clear that God’s providential judgments in history can take the form of removing from power unjust civil authorities.  A clear biblical example of such action is found in the book of Judges where we are told that the Lord raised up judges ‘to rescue His people from foreign oppressors (Judges 2:16).  God specifically willed the overthrow of the de facto governing authorities, and called the leaders of His people to use deadly force in the process of liberation.”

In closing, “A revolutionary situation can call into question the moral legitimacy of the existing authority, and the people of God may be called to recognize a new leader or leaders raised up by God to restore a legitimate government.  For justifiable revolutionary action, there should be reasonable hope of victory.”

“The cure should not be worse than the disease.”

“The Christian works for temporal justice, with the realization that perfect justice is not attainable under the present conditions, but will only be instituted when Christ returns and brings the Kingdom of God in all its fullness.”

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