Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The Love Language of Islam
By:  David Ibrahim
Virgins, Young Boys, Water, Wine,
Fruits, Material Possessions

When we talk about Judgment Day, Islamic teachings believe in both heaven (paradise) and hell.  Does that mean we’ve already found common ground?  When Christians in the west hear these terms, they understand them from a Judea-Christian heritage.

When the Bible speaks of heaven, it does emphasize the physical aspect in regards to the human body.  Luke 20:2-35 says there will be no physical marriage in heaven, like here on earth.  In Revelation 7:16 we see the absence of physical needs, no hungering, thirsting, sadness, death, mourning, crying and pain.  We will worship and praise our God!  He will be our constant delight and satisfaction.  The focus will be Him (See Revelation chapters 4,5,7,8,15,16,19,21, and 22).

On the other hand, the description of the Islamic paradise goes into great detail about meeting all physical needs.  It emphasizes the abundant gratification of the flesh.  Muhammad bribed his followers with promises of young virgins, pederasty (young boys), water, wine, fruits, and worldly possessions.

Biblical Christianity offer heaven (living in God’s presence eternally) to whoever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and abides in him.  The Bible also give assurance to the Christian (1 John 15:13).

            “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that
            ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son
            of God.”

A  Christian can read the Bible and understand and know whether or not he is going to enter into eternal life and heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ when he dies physically.  In John 11:25, Jesus said…

            “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he
            shall live.”

A Muslim is never sure of being allowed into paradise.  He has a constant struggle as to whether or not he has please Allah enough.

Muslims must believe and practice whole-heartedly the six pillars of Islam.  Jihad, the six pillar, is especially crucial for Muslims in their attempt to attain paradise.  There is one sure and secure way to enter into paradise, it is by sacrificing or laying down your life for the cause of Allah, in a manner of being martyred or blowing yourself up or going on a suicide mission.

Unfortunately, whenever there is a heinous act of Islamic terror, the Muslims always claim that Islam is being greatly misrepresented and misunderstood (hijacked).  However, a virtuous and dedicated Muslim, who is well versed in Quranic teachings, knows that Allah will indeed punish those who refuse to go on jihad.

Defining Paradise (Pages 157-158)
The word for paradise is:  Jannat or Janna which is the Arabic word for “garden”.  In English, it is translated as:  paradise, a garden on high, a home that will last, garden of eternity, garden of everlasting bliss, gardens of delight, home of peace, home of the righteous, etc.

The Promise and Hope of Paradise (Gardens) (Page 158)
The Prophet Muhammad is quoted as saying that everyone will see God on the Day of Resurrection, as easily as one can see the sun when there are no clouds.  Only if one follows the Quran and Hadith step by step may he have a good chance to even be a candidate for Paradise, if it pleases Allah!  The only sure way of attaining Paradise is the martyrdom.  To lay down one’s life for Allah is the highest honor one can receive in the Islamic religion.  The follow verses tell how to enter “paradise” (Page 159):

·         Quran 2:25
·         Quran 4:57
·         Quran 57:21

God tells us as Christians to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.  How wonderful it is that our “God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “His commandments are not grievous,” (1 John 5:3).  We love our God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19), and we obey Him out of love for Him.

Allah is not love.  He has many very grievous commands his followers are required to keep.  He motivated his followers to commit repulsive crimes with the hope of being rewarded by physical pleasures and worldly possession.  These six attractions, (virgins, young boys, water, wine, fruit and worldly possessions) of Paradise are items that were difficult to come by while living in the desert.

The Six Important Items in Paradise (Pages 159-167)

(1)    Virgins (houris) and The Importance of Virginity (Pages 159-161)
Virginity is the highest priority for a Muslim unmarried woman no matter which continent she has been raise in.  If a woman is found not to be a virgin on the night of her marriage, there is a 99% chance that her groom will divorce her the very next day.  If her husband spares her life, her own family has to kill her for the sake of the family honor.  That is why from the time girls have their first period their mothers keep a sharp eye on them until they are married.

In the West, due to the readily available medical services, the Muslim woman who has been involved in a premarital sexual relationship is able to secretly seek medical assistance in going through surgery called hymenoplasty, which is a restoration of her hymen, the vaginal membrane that normally breaks in the first act of intercourse.

Here are verses from the Quran concerning houris: (Page 161)
·         Quran 78:31                           *  Quran 55:56-57
·         Quran 37:40-48                      *  Quran 55:57-58
·         Quran 44:51-55                      *  Quran 56:7-40
·         Quran 52:17-20                      *  Quran 55:70-77

(2)   Young Boys (Pages 161-163)
Islam prohibits homosexuality.  In Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, homosexuality is punishable by death.  The sexual use of young boys is known as Pederasty or Paederasty.  It is “a form of male homosexuality, an erotic relationship between an adolescent boy and an adult man”.  The word pederasty derives from Greek (paiderastia) “love of boys,” a compound word derived from (pais) “child, boy” and (erastes) “lover.”
These young boys are called KuchiSafari or traveling wives.  There is an old pederastic proverb common in the northwestern area of Pakistan: “Women for breeding, boys for pleasure, but melons for sheer delight.”
 Even the Prophet Muhammad enjoined his followers to “Beware of beardless youth for they are a greater source of mischief than young maidens.”

In Islam, homosexuality is taboo and results in persecution.  In many Muslim countries, it’s punishable by death if not results in imprisonment.

Although for Muslims homosexuality is taboo and has severe consequences here on earth surprisingly it is permissible once the faithful ones will be in paradise.  If the men in paradise get tired of 72 virgins, they are also promised that they would receive untouched young boys “fresh like pearls”.

This is indeed a mouthwatering reward for those who were homosexuals.  The teachings of Islam are contradictory.  On one hand, people who are involved in a sexual activity are publicly executed in Muslim countries, however, on the other hand, they are given promises that their sexual desires will be fulfilled in paradise.

The related verses from the Quran on sex with the young boys are (Page 163):
·         Quran 52:24
·         Quran 56:17
·         Quran 76:19

(3)Water (Pages 163-164)
Water is the most essential element of one’s life; in fact water represents life, and you can’t visualize what will happen if you will run out of water for your daily needs.  Life without water in the 5th or 6th century Arabia must have been very tough and harsh.

Muhammad promised abundant fresh and pure water in paradise, which would quench the thirst of his followers to rob, enslave and murder infidels so that they could easily enter paradise.

The related verses from the Quran on “water” are (Page 164)
·         Quran 13:  35                         *  Quran 47:15
·         Quran 3:198                           *  Quran 55:50-51
·         Quran 3:136                           *  Quran 55:66-67
·         Quran 15:45                           *  Quran 44:51-55
·         Quran 22:23                           *  Quran 56:7-40

(4)Wine (Pages 164-165)
People in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia and other Muslim countries can be imprisoned and fine for drinking alcohol.  Thousands of people each year in Iran and Pakistan are arrested and many have died by drinking bootleg alcohol.
It might shock you to know that Christians in Pakistan can purchase alcohol on a quota basis.  (Page165 Top)
It is taboo here on earth and Muslims can end up in jail; nevertheless Muhammad attracts people to join him by making exceptions when it comes to wine in paradise.  He claimed that it will not be intoxicating and thus it will not be sinful to drink it.

The related verses from the Quran on wine are: (Page 165)
·         Quran 47:15
·         Quran 37:40-48
·         Quran 56:7-40
·         Quran 83:23-26

(5)Fruits (Page 166)
Fruits and vegetables give us energy and vitamins required by our body on a daily basis.  Muhammad added a variety of fruits in his list, as he knew that his faithful ones would need to recuperate their strength to keep up with their sexual appétit with their untiring houris.

(5)Fruits (Page 166) [continued]

The related verses from the Quran on fruits are: (Page 166)
·         Quran 13:35                           *  Quran 55:54-55
·         Quran 37:40-48                      *  Quran 55:68-69
·         Quran 43:68-73                      *  Quran 44:51-55
·         Quran 47:15                           *  Quran 56:7-40
·         Quran 55:47-49                      *  Quran 76:13-21
·         Quran 52-53

(6)Worldly Possession (Page 167)
It seems like Muhammad’s followers never got enough of anything.  They were not only shown the above things, but they also wanted to add wealth/riches to their pockets.  The other attraction which Muhammad introduced to his followers was riches in paradise.

These are verses on wealth from the Quran:
·         Quran 22:23                           *  Quran 55:54-55
·         Quran 43:68-73                      *  Quran 56:7-40
·         Quran 44:51                           *  Quran 76:13-21

Something For You To Think About!

“The icing on the cake” shown by Muhammad won favor in the eyes of his faithful ones!

As all the concepts of paradise given are physical, their esteemed prophet made it even more appealing by telling them that even though they would eat and drink, they would be free of experiencing physical excretion.  In simple words they would not feel the need of using the toilet rather they would sweat out their waste product.

A Related Hadith Concerning “The Icing On The Cake” ( Page 168)
[Sahih Muslim Book 39, Number 6798, Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah]

An Islamic Prospective of a Jihadist’s Burial Ceremony
When a jihadist or bomber goes on a suicide mission, while he is still alive other Muslims conduct his complete burial ceremony.  This ceremony is done only in the Mosque.  According to Quranic teachings, once a Muslim is going on this mission, the moment he blows himself up and kills thousands of innocent people, right away Allah will take his soul away and he will be admitted to paradise (Jannah).

Paradise for Muslim Women (Page 168)
Ironically, in Muslim countries, a woman cannot go to the mosque for prayer.  She has to pray within the four boundaries of her house.  Sadly when it comes to paradise, it’s all about men.  Women get nothing, and here is what Prophet Muhammad said about paradise and women: “Ibn Abbas reported that Allah’s Messenger said:  “I had a chance to look into paradise and I found that majority of the people was poor and I looked into the Fire and there I found the majority constituted by women.”

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